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Linganore Oakdale Urbana Youth Athletic Association

Linganore Oakdale Urbana Youth Athletic Association

How Registration Fees Are Used

Where your LOUYAA registration fees go

The Linganore Oakdale Urbana Youth Athletic Association is a registered not-for-profit organization. By definition, that means that any money earned by LOUYAA must be retained by LOUYAA and used for its own expenses, operations and programs.

LOUYAA is primarily a volunteer organization. The Board of Directors, sport commissioners, coaches, assistant coaches and team parents all volunteer their time.  Many sports rely on parent volunteers for field maintenance, scorekeeping, concessions, apparel sales and many other important roles. LOUYAA would not exist without the dedication and selflessness of its volunteers.

Sports registration consists of three core components:

Sport Fees. Each season sport commissioners present a detailed budget to the Board of Directors, including their recommendations for registration fees. If they recommend raising their fees, they must justify why. Sport fees cover a wide variety of costs that could include uniforms, referees, field/facility rental, tournament fees, equipment, league banquet, and trophies. Sport commissioners, with guidance from the Board, do their best to balance their seasons without profit or loss. When there is a surplus, that money is re-invested in the sport.

LOUYAA membership. A one-time per year, per family fee that covers administrative costs of the organization including website, postage fees, office supplies, advertising, insurance, presidential scholarships and more.

LOUYAA field/facility fee. Fields and facilities are not only essential, but limited in Frederick County. For the first time, LOUYAA has the opportunity to develop a field complex all its own in New Market. It will consist of football/lacrosse fields, soccer fields, and four baseball fields—one to be also used for softball. These fees go to our Land Fund, together with sponsorships and other donations will be used to develop our New Market complex.

In addition, at the time of registration, there may be additional assessments:

Sports Ancillary Fee(s).  These may include items such as Raffle Tickets, Additional Field Usage, Uniform Fees, etc., as defined by specific Sport Commissioner.  Such assessments are at the discretion f each individual Sport Commissioner as needed, to address expenses during the season which will further enhance the program and experience for the players.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]


Linganore Oakdale Urbana Youth Athletic Association
PO Box 302 
New Market, Maryland 21774

Phone: 240-372-4987
Email: [email protected]

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